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Bay Honors Consortium Roundtable 

On October 19, 2013, the Bay Honors Consortium hosted its annual conference at Mills College in Oakland. Skyline Honors Faculty were in attendance, and they had the opportunity to hear a wonderful keynote speech by distinguished scholar Dr. Kimberley Phillips, Mills Provost and Dean of Faculty. Dr. Phillips message of meeting students “where they are” and the importance of culturally relevant pedagogy was very inspiring. Honors faculty also participated in breakout sessions, including our own Shari Bookstaff’s presentation on teaching honors biology online.

Honors Transfer Program Co-Sponsors “Hip Hop Wars” 

Kudos to CIPHER (Center for Innovative Practices through Hip Hop Education and Research) for hosting Dr. Tricia Rose’s engaging talk on Hip Hop. Nate Nevado and the entire CIPHER team did an amazing job, and the HTP is grateful to have been a co-sponsor of this event.

Honors Club 

The Honors Club enjoyed a successful Harvest Festival with their “Jeopardy” game. To finish the Fall 2013 semester The Honors Club will do a holiday book read with a preschool class at the Skyline College Child Development Center.

The club meets bi-weekly on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 in room 4-240A. The Honors Club has new, great-looking shirts hot off the presses for sale for $15. Contact John Ulloa at if you would like to purchase one.

Mark Your Calendars

The Honors Research Symposium will be held at UC Berkeley on May 3, 2014. Honors faculty should encourage students to participate! Contact John Ulloa at for more information.


The Honors Transfer Program admission is ongoing. Please have your students stop by room 4-242 to fill out an application or download one:

Connect with the Honors Transfer Program on Facebook:

Article written by John Ulloa, Honors Transfer Program Coordinator.