ACTLA LogoSkyline College Learning Center Director David Reed presented a concurrent session at the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA) in Anaheim, CA on Friday, April 24. The title of his presentation, Evaluating the Tutoring Session: Approaches and Implications provided a summary of the Skyline College Learning Center’s recent development of an online assessment tool that has been embedded into the tutor-tracking software used in the Learning Center. The development of this tool was a collaborative project involving David Reed, Leigh Anne Shaw (ESOL instructor and Faculty Coordinator of the English Language Institute), and John Chavez (recently retired Math Lab Coordinator of the Learning Center).

The presentation was well-received and sparked some lively exchanges about data gathering and assessment among the participants, who included community college learning center staff, administrators, students, and staff from the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. Next year’s ACTLA conference will be held in San Francisco March 27 – April 1, 2015, and the Skyline College Learning Center staff is looking forward to participating and representing the college and district.

Article submitted by David Reed